Every second year in a little town called Bothwell there is a wonderful event called the Bothwell spin-in. It was created many years ago by one of the local residents, Barbara Fowler. She also started a competition for the longest thread. This has to be handspun from 10 grams of raw fleece.
I thought I would give it a go and tried to encourage as many others to join as well, just for fun. Anyway for a while at the end of last year my life seemed to be consumed with the spinning of my personal longest thread. I knew my entry would never be anything like a winning entry as these have been over 1 km long. So I kept trying, threads broke, and I kept trying.
In the end I was just happy to have a thread that did not break when I wound it into a ball. Now all I hope is that it will not break when it goes through the measuring machine, and be disqualified.
As frustrating as I found this at times I am very happy to have challenged myself to spin a fine, strong thread and what fleece did I use? I was luck enough to have part of a fleece from Barbara Flowlers own merino flock, handed to me by my Mum.
Keeping my fingers crossed for the end result.