I headed off with the kids the other day to celebrate festelavn. For those who do not know , it is a scandinavian celebration. In the old days they used to ride through the villages and break barrels that were strung up from an arch. It has something to do with the start of lent and scaring away evil spirits. You can always send me a message if you know more about it. These days the children dress up and go from door to door singing a song asking for the festelavn boller(buns). You can see these above. They are cinnamon buns filled with cream and marzipan(yummmy). The children then bash open a barrel filled with lollies.
Then number one child and I went for a walk along the beach??? well the water anyway. The tide was so far out that it only left a small channel of rushing water. There were so many crabs and still a few clear jellyfish. I am sure I have never seen jelly fish here before, there must be something in the water as they say, for all these jellyfish to be around. Not forgetting the giant one. But I also found two hiking boots, a black volley shoe and a sock and a pair of red reading glasses still in their case. It always amazes me what you can find on a beach, even a small one like this.
Ok, it's been like this.
6 years ago
I remembered it was Shrove Tuesday yesterday, and so Ash Wednesday today. 40 days till Easter now. I love reading about your traditions!!!
Throughout the hard times we fall back upon our traditions to give us comfort and the knowledge that things can be good again.
Festelavn is totally new to me! And so charming. My mouth is watering for one of those wonderful looking buns!!
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