Two years can roll around very quickly. The Hand weavers, spinners and dyers of Tasmania exhibition was recently opened in BUrnie by our president Eva. It was great to see so many items in the exhibition and such a DIVERSITY ( as the title of the exhibition says) of works. It is always hard to do an exhibition justice just by taking photos but I will share a few that I took.
A woven piece called Flow, by me.
Felted hats by Strattie.
Audrey, my stylised flower.
Irene wearing her woven jacket which features on the exhibition brochure.
A woven and threaded piece by me.
Felted lamps by Strattie
One of my favourite pieces of felt and emboidery
I just loved these hats.
Some of those members who put in many hours putting the exhibition together.
This felted and natural dyed , using pepper bush neclace was the winner of the first time exhibitor award.
This piece was woven by a first time exhibitor who I believe is in her 90s. She used wire tho create this stunning work.
A stunning dyed piece by Di Mcpherson